August 27, 2013
Ever-living God,
Bless us with your tender mercy,
Allow your dawn to break upon us,
give us your Light, and guide our feet
in your way of peace, so that all we do this
will be according to your holy will.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
A Message from the Principal
On behalf of the faculty and
staff at Incarnation School, welcome to the 2013-2014 academic year! We look
forward to working with you and hope that our students and their parents share
our enthusiasm as we begin the exciting school year ahead.
The 2013-2014 Parent/Student
Handbook is now available online only at www.incaschool.org. This handbook will provide you with information to
assist you in familiarizing yourself with Archdiocesan and school policies. All
students and their parents should be familiar with the contents of the
handbook. The end of the handbook has several forms for you to review and
return to school. As part of your enrollment agreement/contract, we require all families to sign and return the Policies Agreement Form no later than Monday, September 9, 2013.
Incarnation School and the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles are committed to providing a safe environment for
our children. With that in mind, we require all of our volunteers to receive
VIRTUS training. All parish and school volunteers, teachers, clergy, religious,
staff, and paid personnel who work in any capacity with or around children must
participate in the VIRTUS program. To find a VIRTUS session in your area, visit
www.virtus.org. VIRTUS training is valid for 4 years.
Recertification courses are available if your certificate has expired. In
addition to attending a live VIRTUS session, all volunteers are required to
sign the Guidelines for Interacting with
Youth and Minors form located in the back of the Parent/Student Handbook.
Additional copies can be obtained from the school office.
Parents working in any
supervisory position (yard duty, field trip chaperones, drivers, etc.) must
receive fingerprinting clearance prior to assuming this type of role. Please
visit the school office for more information about LiveScan fingerprinting.
Lastly, if you want to come
to the office or book keeper, you may come through the front door. Students walking home need to have their
forms filled out and sign out in the office before you leave. Everyone
else needs to use the carpool to pick up their children, if you are not walking
We thank you for your cooperation
in helping us keep our students safe, and we look forward to your active
participation in your child(ren)’s education!
God Bless,
Mrs. Diana Girskis
Important Dates
August 30- 1:45
dismissal for 1st -8th grade
September 3
– Regular dismissal for K-8th grade
September 3- Preschool First Day- Preschool half days
for two weeks
September 5- Back to School Night, Kinder -5th,
(5pm-6pm) Jr. High (6-8pm) Please be on time.
September 6- Noon Dismissal- Catechist Class for
September 6- Last day to turn in Emergency Cards
September 7
– Back to School Hop, 2-6 pm & Book Fair in Auditorium. See you there!!
After School Program
begins this week. Please note that all school rules and policies remain in effect
for ASP.
Hot Lunch Program
forms for hot lunch beginning on Tuesday, 9/3 are enclosed. Please turn in
orders with payment no later than Friday, 9/6. Hot lunch must be ordered in
advance. Your check should be made out to Louiza Petrosyan.
Visitors to Campus
All visitors to campus,
regardless of the nature or length of the visit, must check in at the front
office to obtain a name tag/visitor’s badge which must be worn at all times
while on campus. Thank you for your cooperation.
Uniform Sale
A big thank you goes to Jura
Slattery for organizing the Uniform Rummage Sale, a few weeks ago. If you have used uniforms that you would like
to donate for the cause please turn them in, and they will be sold. The proceeds from the last sale in August,
went to a teacher’s breakfast. Thanks
again to Mr. & Mrs. Sijo for bringing the food and setting it up! The
teachers really appreciated it.
Book Fair News
The Fall Scholastic Book Fair
is around the corner and we are looking for volunteers to help make it a great
success! The book fair will be open on
Saturday, Sept. 7th at the Back to School Hop from 2:00-5:00
pm. It will also be open Monday, Sept.
9th through Thursday, Sept. 12th. Thank
you to all who have already expressed an interest to help, by signing the sheet
on the first day of school. Included in
your packet today is a new sign up sheet with dates and times when we need
parent participation hours. Please
remember that all volunteers working on campus need to be Virtus trained. Please indicate on your volunteer sheet if you
have also been fingerprinted. Returned
volunteer sheets will be dated.
Assignments will be made according to the first volunteer sheets
returned. Mrs. Hihn will contact you by
email to verify all times.
Effective immediately, during
morning carpool there will be NO
PARKING IN THE SCHOOL YARD. After dropping your children off, if you have
business to take care of in the office or need to buy scrip, please park in the
church parking lot and walk around to the school office. As principal, I am committed
to providing the highest degree of safety to our students. The practice of
parking your vehicles in the yard and then walking our students across the stop
and go traffic unprotected increases the risk of injury to all involved,
therefore there will be no parking in the school yard. I thank you for your cooperation.
Back-to-School Event
Join us on Saturday,
September 7, to kick off the new school year at our Annual
Back-to-School Hop for "Inca's All-Stars", featuring delicious food,
fun games for the kids, good music, and an enjoyable afternoon for new and
returning Inca families. See the flyer in today's
Home Messenger envelope for more details.