Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Family Messenger, October 25, 2011

Loving God,
You sent your Son, Jesus, to teach us
how you want us to act in the world. Help us
to understand his teachings so that we can do your will.

A Message from the Principal

I am pleased to announce that Accelerated Math (AM) will be returning to Incarnation! We have ordered the necessary materials, and the re-introduction of the program will take place in the next few weeks. The implementation will be different from what had been in place several years ago. AM will not be a requirement for all students. AM requires that students work independently. Since it is acceleration, material covered in individualized AM packets will not necessarily align with what is being taught in class. Participation will require that students are able to work with little to no assistance from the teacher; therefore math teachers will determine which students are ready for the program. More information will be forthcoming.


Ms. Olivia Carrillo

Important Dates

  • October 27 Kinder field trip; Girl’s ‘A’ Volleyball Pep Rally 2:15 p.m.
  • October 28 1st Grade Jamba Juice Sale; 8th Grade Retreat
  • October 31 Teacher In-Service – No School
  • November 1 All School Mass 11:00 a.m.
  • November 4 Walk to School Day
  • November 9 Picture Day
  • November 11 Veterans Day – No School/No ASP

Mother-Son Picnic

The Mother-Son Picnic last Sunday was a success! Thank you to all of our volunteers for helping to create such a special day for moms and boys. Special thanks to our co-chairs for the event, Elena Galvez and Gloria Villegas!

Virtus Training
A Virtus RECERTIFICATION session is scheduled for October 27 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Incarnation Community Center basement. Please call the parish office to sign up (818-242-2579). Virtus certification is valid for four years.

Volunteer Hours for the Library

Mrs. Hihn has ordered lots of kindergarten books for the library. All of them need to be covered with contact paper to extend the life of the books. This is a job that can be done at home. Please contact Mrs. Hihn by email at nhihn@incaschool.org if you are interested in helping with this project. You will need to come into the library to receive directions, books, and materials.

Ink Cartridge Recycling

Please recycle your old ink cartridges with us! The collection bin is located just outside the main office.

Farewell, Rita

For over 20 years, Rita Guild has worked at the parish center as Parish Coordinator. She will be moving home to Minnesota next month. For her dedication, service, and stewardship, we thank her and wish her well. God bless!

From the Business Office

The October Statements and late fees were e-mailed this week. Please review and submit payment as soon as possible; contact Mrs. Fenton if you have any questions.


Thanks to everyone ordering on-line! We will be going paperless soon, so when you get a chance log onto the SCRIP website and get familiar with the ordering process. Keep a copy of the On-Hand form available when you order to determine if your order includes a Special Order. Reminder: your order will not be submitted until the check is received by the SCRIP desk.

The SCRIP profit statements through September 30 are enclosed in today’s Home Messenger. Please note: profits from e-scrip are reported every six months; therefore, the totals on their website may not be the same totals on your statement. Ralphs reports on a quarterly basis and totals will also be different.

Question of the Week

We show our love for Jesus by loving our friends and family. Share one specific way you show your love.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Family Messenger, October 18, 2011

Loving God,
Help us to be truthful, honest, and loving
so that Jesus, who knows our hearts,
will be pleased with us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

A Message from the Principal

Yesterday morning, students in grades K-8 watched The Power of One anti-bullying assembly. The presenters first defined bullying as hurtful, purposeful, and repeated behavior that represents an imbalance of power. Through role play, the presenters and some of our students learned about physical and verbal bullying, including exclusion. In a separate showing for grades 4-8, additional skits about the seriousness of cyber-bullying were included.

The message of the assembly was simple - the power of one is the power each one of us has to stop bullying. In bullying situations, there are almost always bystanders either watching what is happening, ignoring what is happening, or cheering a bully on. Bystanders contribute just as much as the bully by not doing something about a bullying situation. Bystanders should be upstanders and help the target by seeking help from a teacher or trusted adult.

At the end of the assembly, students took the following Bully Prevention Oath:

I will not bully others.
I will not stand by while others are bullied.
I will report bullying whenever I see it…
because I have the power of one!

Bullying is an issue of growing concern in schools, and our school is no exception. Together we can work to eliminate bullying from our school and community.

Ms. Olivia Carrillo

Important Dates

• October 20 – High School Night
• October 23 – Mother-Son Picnic
• October 27 – Kindergarten Field Trip
• October 28 – 1st Grade Bake Sale; 8th Grade Retreat
• October 31 – Teacher In-Service – No School

Virtus Training

A Virtus RECERTIFICATION session is scheduled for October 27 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Incarnation Community Center basement. Please call the parish office to sign up (818-242-2579). Virtus certification is valid for four years.

High School Night

Incarnation School will host High School Night this Thursday from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium. High School Night is open to students in grades 6-8 and their parents. This is an opportunity to meet representatives from various Catholic High Schools in the area and obtain information about the program, admission requirements, and student life. Confirmed attendees include: Alverno, Bellarmine Jefferson, Bishop Alemany, Cathedral, Flintridge Sacred Heart, Holy Family, Immaculate Heart, Loyola, Mayfield, Notre Dame, Providence, Ramona Convent, Sacred Heart, St. Genevieve, and St. Francis.

California Shakeout

Incarnation School will be participating in the 2011 Great California Shakeout with other schools, organizations, and individuals on Thursday, October 20th. At 10:20 a.m. students and staff will have an earthquake drill practicing the drop, cover, and hold procedure. See enclosed flyer for information about how you can participate.

Swim Team News

This past Sunday was the third swim meet of the season held at the San Fernando Regional Pool.  Congratulations to Max C, Sydney C, Mark G, Daniel M, Massimo M, Mila M, Olive O, Quinn R, Megan S and Christian V for winning medals.  Also, congratulations to our relay teams who scored points for the team.  Thank you to all swim parents who volunteered on such a warm day and especially those who did double duties!

From the Business Office

October Statements will be e-mailed this week. Please take a moment to review your statement; late fees will apply if payment has not been received for invoices dated prior to October 1, 2011.

Our apologies to families who have not been able to open their invoices; Quickbooks has informed us that there is a “bug” in the e-mail system. They are working to correct it but it may be a couple of months before they do. In the meantime, invoices/statements will be e-mailed individually instead of in batches. Please contact Mrs. Fenton if you are still experiencing problems.

Invoices were sent out last week for the mandatory $250 SCRIP donation. Please note: payment is due now EVEN IF YOU ARE PARTICIPATING BY PURCHASING SCRIP. You will receive a refund of your donation when you reach $250 in profit.


We will no longer be selling Acapulco/El Torito as well as Marie Callendars SCRIP. Also, please remember to use your Blue SCRIP Envelope when ordering SCRIP.

Ink Cartridge Recycling

Please see enclosed flyer regarding Incarnation’s participation in ink cartridge recycling. The collection bin is located just outside the main office.

Question of the Week

Who has helped you know Jesus as a friend?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Family Messenger, October 11, 2011

Lord God,
Help us to give from our hearts out of love.
Help us to desire justice more than praise.
Show us how to live with gratitude, praising you forever.

A Message from the Principal

Last Friday students in grades 1-8 received a copy of their first mid-trimester progress reports. This is an opportunity to see how your child is progressing in each area before the official reporting period ends on November 23. As I addressed the students at yesterday’s assembly, I asked them to reflect upon their progress in school thus far. I asked them to set specific goals to works towards for the remainder of the trimester. Don’t hesitate to ask your child about his/her goals and work with them in this goal-setting to ensure their best quality work! Have a great week.


Ms. Olivia Carrillo

Important Dates

  • October 17 – Anti-Bullying Assembly
  • October 18 – All School Mass
  • October 20 – High School Night
  • October 23 – Mother-Son Picnic
  • October 27 – Kindergarten Field Trip
  • October 28 – 1st Grade Bake Sale; 8th Grade Retreat
  • October 31 – Teacher In-Service – No School

Virtus Training

A Virtus RECERTIFICATION session is scheduled for October 27 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Incarnation Community Center basement. Please call the parish office to sign up (818-242-2579). Virtus certification is valid for four years.

Mother – Son Picnic
Incarnation’s Mother-Son Picnic will be held on Saturday, October 23 from noon to 4:00 p.m. at Verdugo Park. Enjoy an action packed day with music, food, fun, friends, games, prizes and create cherished memories with your son! Please submit your registration form ASAP.

Auction Artwork
Last week, you received a letter from Sharon Conroy, our auction chairperson, with a release form to use for your child’s work as an auction item to be sold back to you. Please sign and return this form indicating your authorization to use your child’s work for this purpose. You can also decline permission on this form. Thank you for your cooperation.

Upcoming Vacations
Please mark your calendars:
Thanksgiving Vacation – November 24th & 25th (November 23rd is a full day)
Christmas Vacation – December 19th – January 2nd (Class resumes January 3rd)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Family Messenger, October 4, 2011

Holy God,
You invite us into the joy of friendship
with your Son, Jesus Christ.
May we never be too busy or too distracted
to spend time with him in prayer, in the study of God’s word,
and in worship.

A Message from the Principal

October is “Walktober” and tomorrow Incarnation will participate in International Walk to School Day. Join us on our “walking school busses” departing at 7:15 a.m. from two locations (corner of Highland & Kenneth and corner of Rossmoyne & Dryden), or just walk from your home! Walking is a fun and healthy way to spend time with your children while teaching them skills that can serve them well throughout life. The walk to school is a great time to use these safety tips. Children learn through experience. Walking with parents or another caregiver is an important way for children to practice crossing real streets and picking safe places to walk. There is no magic age when children are old enough to walk without an adult. But, as a parent, you should decide when your child has the skills and experience to deal with traffic safely without you. As you walk with your child, remember these safety tips:

Look for traffic at every driveway and intersection.
Be aware of drivers in parked cars that may be getting ready to move.
Obey all traffic signs and signals.
Cross the street safely:
1. Stop at the curb or edge of the street.
2. Look left, right, left, and behind you and in front of you for traffic.
3. Wait until no traffic is coming and begin crossing.
4. Keep looking for traffic until you have finished crossing.
5. Walk, don’t run across the street.

The side gate adjacent to the church parking lot will be open for all walkers.


Ms. Olivia Carrillo

Important Dates

October 5 – International Walk to School Day
October 7 – Progress Reports go home
October 17 – Anti-Bullying Assembly
October 18 – All School Mass
October 20 – High School Night
October 23 – Mother-Son Picnic


Please note that Monday, October 31 is a teacher in-service day and classes will not be in session. While we will have a regular school day without parties, students may come to school in costume on Friday, October 28 provided that the costume is appropriate and in good taste for a Catholic school. Costumes must fit properly (younger students should be able to use the restroom on their own with costumes); no excessively scary costumes, no gore, no fake weapons; students’ faces must be visible at all times.

Virtus Training

A Virtus RECERTIFICATION session is scheduled for October 27 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Incarnation Community Center basement. Please call the parish office to sign up (818-242-2579). Virtus certification is valid for four years.

A Volleyball Team News

The Incarnation Eagles A Volleyball Team competed in two tournaments over the past few week. One tournament was held at American Martyrs School where they were finalists. Last Saturday, the girls won 5th place in their tournament and made it to quarter finals. Way to go Eagles! We are proud of you!

From the Business Office

September ASP and AM Care invoices for students attending ASP on a monthly basis were e-mailed yesterday; hourly ASP and Homework Club invoices will be e-mailed tomorrow. Note: you do not need to print the invoice; save ink/paper and write the invoice number on the check.


As presented at the PTO Meeting, instructions for accessing SCRIP Online as well as a SCRIP Envelope are attached in today’s Home Messenger. Please read carefully as there is a lot of material covered.