Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Family Messenger, January 21, 2014

January 21, 2014

Faithful God,
How patiently you guide and care for us.
Give us faith in your word, and hope in your steadfast love,
so that we will never lose heart.
Keep us mindful of your many blessings,
and help us to be a blessing to others.

A Message from the Principal
We hear and read so much these days about teaching children to be lifelong learners, and this has come to be part of our Schoolwide Learning Expectations. In addition to learning the basics, children today must develop problem-solving and critical-thinking and adapt to a constantly changing world. How can you support your child in becoming a learner for life? Here are four important points to remember in this regard.

1.     Skills: Children must gain skills necessary to think through problems and solve them creatively.
2.     Connections: Try, in as many ways possible, to connect learning to everyday life. Children often ask, “Why do I need to learn that?” As often as you can, try to help your child understand how a particular learning applies to life. Explain that you use math every day when you cook a meal. Or maybe you can show your child how you solve a problem of setting priorities by using logic. There are countless examples of everyday applications of learning if we simply look for them.
3.     Habit: Develop a habit of learning with your child. In addition to the formal learning throughout the school day and homework time, seek out community resources that serve both to enrich and entertain children. Take advantage of teachable moments throughout the day, in ordinary places. Encourage your child to be curious. Asking questions, although it may involve a little more time, is an excellent way to draw out what a child is thinking.
4.     Fun: Encourage a positive attitude toward learning, both formal and informal. We often underestimate the great power of informal learning; just think about how much children learn from their friends!

Developing skills, connections, habits, and a positive attitude toward lifelong learning is important not only for children—it benefits all of us. Happy learning!


Mrs. Diana Girskis

Important Dates
·      January 20th- No School, MLK Day
·      January 21st -24th- ACRE Testing, grades 5th and 8th
·      January 22th - General PTO meeting at 6:30 p.m. – Auditorium - Child care available.
·      January 24th - Progress Reports go home
·      January 27thOpen House at 5p.m.-7p.m, Hope to see you all there!
·      January 31st - Grandparents Day/Special Friends Day
·      January 31ST  - BOOK FAIR BEGINS


Typhoon Benefit Concert
The Catholic Relief Fund has acknowledged receipt of our school's donation to the typhoon Haiyan survivors.  However, they are still in need of our help because rehabilitation of the ravaged areas will take three to five years.  Thus, the Class of 2014 organized a benefit concert dubbed as "Love is in the air; show that you care" on Feb 7, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium.  Performers from several grade levels auditioned last December.  Tickets will be sold at $10.00 at the door: they will also be pre-sold by 8th graders and performers at $8.00.  Four rows of seats (7 seats) are open for online bidding. Please email your bid to irodriguez@incaschool.org

CPK fundraiser is all day and night, 20% of all Dine-In, take out, drinks are included. Bring your flyer and hand it to the server that night is for us to get the 20%. Thanks

Grandparents/Special Friend Day Lunch
In –n-Out Truck, is coming to our school on Friday, January 31, 2014, at noon. Enjoy having lunch with your grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Parents, and Special Friends on that day!  All meal orders must be preordered ahead. See order forms in the home messenger.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Family Messenger, January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014

Almighty God,
Come into our lives and make a difference.
Heal us of anger, impatience, and selfishness.
Fill us with your love and peace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,

A Message from the Principal
 General PTO Meeting
Next Wednesday, January 22nd  is our 2nd mandatory PTO meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. Join us for a presentation on the Principal’s Report, fundraising updates, opportunities for participation hours, Teacher Presentations, after school activities sign ups and more. Parents will receive a free dress pass for your child(ren) for attending the meeting. Preschool families are encouraged to attend. We hope to see every one there.

Open House will be held on Monday, January 27th from 5-7pm.  We would like to invite all of the parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends to come to see what a spectacular job the teachers and the students have done. The art show will also be in the auditorium, for everyone to view. We are still inviting new families to come, and the office staff will be having tours for them.  We would like to encourage every one to come, and enjoy a night with your children. They are very proud to show you their accomplishments!

Mrs. Diana Girskis

Important Dates

·      January 20th- No School, MLK Day
·      January 21-24th- ACRE Testing, grades 5th and 8th
·      January 22th- General PTO meeting at 6:30pm, Auditorium, Child care available, $
·      January 24th-Progress Reports go out
·      January 27th –Open House at 5-7pm, Hope to see you all there!

January 27th-31st-Catholic School’s Week- Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service

Blood Drive
Incarnation Catholic Church, Sunday, January 26th, from 8:00am to 2:15pm, Bloodmobile, 1001 N. Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91202

CPK fundraiser is all day and night, 20% of all Dine-In, take out, drinks are included. Bring your flyer and hand it to the server that night is for us to get the 20%. Thanks

Grandparents/Special Friend Day Lunch
In –n-Out Truck, is coming to our school on Friday, January 31, 2014, at noon. Enjoy having lunch with your grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Parents, and Special Friends on that day!  All meal orders must be preordered ahead. See order forms in the home messenger.

2014-2015 Re-Registration
The re-registration period for the 2014-2015 school year will begin the first week of February and will run through the first week of March. Check your home messenger in the next few weeks for important information.

Requests for School Tax ID Number – Childcare Credit
As you begin to make preparations to complete your 2013 taxes, please note that the school is not authorized to release the tax ID number. In the IRS childcare credit publication, p. 8, the IRS tells the taxpayer to write in “tax-exempt” when it is a church or school program. Please share this information with your accountants, if applicable.

Acadeca Cathedral Quiz Bowl Results
Congratulations to our Academic Decathlon team who competed in the Cathedral Quiz Bowl this past Saturday. We are very proud of our team and they represented Incarnation well!
Out of 21 different schools, Incarnation placed 2nd overall in the logic category, 3rd overall in the SuperQuiz category, and 4th place overall.
Joel Cruz and Francesca Legaspi both placed 3rd overall in their individual topic of English Language Arts. Olive O'Beirne placed 3rd overall in her individual topic of Fine Arts. William Grimm placed 4th overall in his individual topic of Social Studies. Finally, Sebastien Champion placed 5th overall in his individual topic of Social Studies.
Job well done!


5th Grade Highlights

The 5th grade class has been working very hard completing a research report and presentation board on various states. The culminating project will be Friday, January 17th.  Each student will showcase their state at the 5th grade "State Fair."  All of the other grade levels will come tour the fair, taste native food, and learn facts about each state.

Monday, January 6, 2014