Our Jog-A-Thon last Friday was filled with much energy and enthusiasm, and it was great to see the Inca community working together enjoying each other’s company! Many thanks to Robert Mahan (Jog-A-Thon Chair), the PTO Board, Mrs. Ann Marie Guinane, and all parent volunteers for making this a great day for all of us. Thanks also to our sponsors, donors, and our student runners who helped to make this event a fundraising success. We are one step closer to cool air!
It seems hard to believe that we are approaching the end of November. Conferences have begun and we are grateful that you are taking the time to meet with your child’s teacher(s). Now that the first trimester is over and you have received your child’s report card, you can sit with your child to identify and celebrate areas of strength. Together you can also find some areas for improvement and plan to focus on those specific areas in the second trimester. Teachers will also do their part by reflecting on their practices to ensure that they are doing all they can to best meet the needs of their students.
On your conference day you will receive your child’s ITBS test results from October. Remember that these tests are one indicator of student achievement. At Incarnation, we will use these results as we examine our curricular program. They help us identify our own areas of strength and growth. Each year the Archdiocese gives us a specific curricular area to examine and this year we will focus particularly on math. These scores will be used through the Math In-Depth Study process.
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I have much to give thanks for, but I am especially grateful for all of the children that you send to us each day. You are all in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish you a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.
Olivia Carrillo
Incarnation School Awards Assembly
November 21, 2007
10:45 a.m.
School Auditorium
Parents are welcomed to join us!
Coffee with the Principal Notes
Once a month at 7:45 a.m. in the auditorium, parents gather with me to ask questions and discuss concerns about the school over coffee and snacks. I would like to share with you a few notes from the October and November meetings and invite parents who are available to join me for our upcoming Coffee with the Principal on Thursday, December 13.
• Accelerated Reader – Can students test above their grade level?
o Students will be able to test above their grade level if they have achieved at least 80% mastery on their Accelerated Reader tests at their own grade level. Parents with questions about Accelerated Reader are encouraged to speak with Mrs. Hihn, school librarian.
• First in Math (FIM) vs. Accelerated Math (AM) – Many parents have expressed that they prefer the Accelerated Math program over the new First in Math program. Parents said that AM included more logic, was practical, and gave the parents and students a clear picture of the child’s progress. With FIM some parents find that there is no motivation, and in playing the games there can be a lot of guesswork.
o The faculty decided to try FIM for this school year since it was a paperless standards-based program. We will continue to use FIM for the 2007-2008 school year, but will review the 2 programs at the end of the school year (part of our Math In-Depth Study) to make a decision for 2008-2009.
• Bathroom/School Grounds Cleanliness
o Rita Guild (Parish Coordinator), Rick Thomas (Maintenance Coordinator), and I met with the maintenance company to bring these concerns to their attention. We hope that this meeting will resolve this concern.
• Trimester Tests – Some parents of younger students (grades 1 & 2) said that trimester exams were a bit stressful.
o One suggestion was to test grades 1 & 2 over a two-week period. Teachers will discuss this possibility.
• Physical Education – Can students have more P.E. time?
o The Archdiocese’s guideline for P.E. is 50 minutes per week. Each grade currently gets 60 minutes once per week. We can look at the possibility of having shorter P.E. periods twice per week for next school year
• Afternoon Carpool Safety - There were concerns about the safety of students walking to cars.
o All teachers of students in grades K-5 should be walking the students to their car doors. The teachers were reminded of this responsibility at our faculty meeting.
o Rainy Day carpool safety will be reevaluated should we encounter a rainy afternoon during the school year.
Music Announcement
Mr. Peter Carreiro, our music teacher, has left Incarnation to pursue other opportunities. We wish him well in his endeavors and thank him for his service.
The SCRIP program is a mandatory fundraiser which requires that each family contribute $200 by November 14, 2007. To increase participation and/or profits for the school we have included an option whereby families can receive some of the profits based on the total profits received from vendors. The amount of SCRIP a family would need to purchase depends on the SCRIP which is purchased. For example, Ralphs and Vons only return 1% of purchases, however, Bath & Body Works returns 13%. The amount of each vendor's percentage is listed beside their name on the SCRIP form.
An effortless way to also participate is to register your credit/debit card(s) with eSCRIP at www.escrip.com. You can register as well as look at the list of the participating vendors online.
Regarding the SCRIP calculations, they are handled by Mrs. DeVito who in turn will give the office a report at the end of May. Refunds will be processed before the end of the school year
Claire R., grade 8, was selected as one of the finalists in the search for the Historic Filipino Town’s Search for Youth Ambassadors based on academics, extra curricular activities, community service, talent, and an on-the spot interview. This is a year-long search and only one will be chosen as Youth Ambassador in August 2008. Claire is the youngest among the finalists and won best in talent. Her singing prompted a standing ovation from the judges. Congratulations, Claire!
Looking Ahead
• Monday, 11/19 – Wednesday, 1/21: Noon dismissal; Parent-Teacher Conferences
• Thursday, 11/22 – Friday, 11/23: No School – Thanksgiving Vacation
• Tuesday, 11/27 – The NED Show @ 1:30 (Grades K-8)