The weekly parent newsletter of Incarnation Catholic School in Glendale, CA
Incarnation School Pages
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Family Messenger March 4, 2008
At our Baptism you filled the water with the grace of your Son. Through that holy water and the Holy Spirit, we were washed clean from sin; our old sinful self was buried with Christ so that we could rise with him to a new life. May this new life fill us with joy and make us living water for all the world.
Last Friday the teachers attended the annual Religious Education Congress in Anaheim. The Religious Education Congress offers in-service education and spiritual formation to those in catechetical and related ministries. Each teacher registered to attend three workshops of their choice covering a vast range of topics from spirituality, music, and personal development to biblical studies and catechesis.
Next Monday teachers will participate in another workshop focused on differentiated instruction and writing across the curriculum. This is possible because of Title IIA funding made available to us from the Glendale Unified School District. Please note that this is a full-day workshop and there will be No school/No ASP on Monday, March 10.
High schools will be mailing out acceptance letters to the eighth graders this week. Please keep them in your prayers as they await their replies.
Have a great week and God bless.
Ms. Olivia Carrillo
Boys’ A Basketball News
The Boys’ A Basketball team has played a great season and made it to the playoffs last weekend! Congratulations Team Eagles! We are proud of you!
Art Contest Winners
The Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) hosted an art competition to showcase the outstanding artwork created by K-12 students through the LACOE Annual Student Art Exhibit. Congratulations to the following students:
• Nicholas A (Grade 3)
• Michael C (Grade 4)
• Cynthia C (Grade 8)
These students’ artwork will be permanently displayed in the LACOE buildings for visitors and employees to enjoy. Congratulations!
Thank You To…
• Mrs. Pat Camp and all the parents who are working hard in preparing our ACADECA team for the competition on March 15.
• Mrs. Angie Gonzalez and all volunteers who helped make the school-sponsored Lenten Soup Supper a success!
• Mrs. Georgette Mueckay and the Auction Committee for their tireless efforts in preparation for the Auction Dinner on May 3.
Re-Registration and New Sibling Testing
Please submit your re-registration forms and the $200 non-refundable fee to the office by Friday, March 14. This will help us know how many openings we have for new students in each class. Registration forms received after March 14 will be considered along with new student applications. Testing for siblings is also taking place now. Please contact Mrs. Rodela for available times.
Hot Lunch Changes
Thank you for taking the time to complete the hot lunch survey sent home a few weeks ago. We received 112 replies. Based on your input, M&F Kitchenette will make the following changes effective immediately:
• Portions and pricing will remain the same
• Less chips or baked chips instead of regular chips.
• Reduced carbs- i.e. smaller or no bread with spaghetti/wheat bread for sandwiches
• Add steamed vegetables and/or salad to the same tray instead of the kids having to go and pick it up separately
Raffle Update
The families listed below have sold more than $100 in raffle tickets for the auction and have won the following prizes:
• Asmar Family sold $200---free dress and CD
• Chavez Family sold $250---free dress, CD, and chance to win 6 Disneyland tickets
• Conde Family sold $150---free dress
• Malabanan Family sold $150---free dress
Science Fair
The deadline to apply for participation in the Science Fair is Monday, March 17.
Looking Ahead
• Tuesday, 3/4 – All School Mass 8:30 a.m.
• Friday, 3/7 – Report Cards go home
• Saturday, 3/8 – Spaghetti Dinner 6:00 p.m.
• Sunday, 3/9 – Grade 4 School Sponsored Mass
• Monday, 3/10 – NO SCHOOL/NO ASP: Teacher In-Service
• 3/12 – 3/14 – Grade 5 Good Touch/Bad Touch presentation
• Wednesday, 3/12
o Coffee with the Principal 7:45 a.m.
o Whole Community Catechesis (all ages welcome) 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
• Thursday, 3/13 – 2nd Trimester Awards Assembly: 9:55 a.m. (Grade 1 only)
• Friday, 3/14
o 2nd Trimester Awards Assembly (Grs. K, 2-8) & Decathlon Pep Rally: 10:30 a.m.
o 1st Grade Field Trip
• Saturday, 3/15 – Academic Decathlon – L.A. Sports Arena
**Lenten Soup Suppers every Wednesday during Lent at 6 p.m. in the auditorium