Beloved Father,
Send us your Spirit to renew and
strengthen us so that we may never feel
alone and abandoned.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
A Message from the Principal
I would like to congratulate the Boys’ Varsity Volleyball team for a fabulous season! The team, under the guidance of coaches Sabrina Gauss and Robert Sanchez, made it to playoffs last Saturday. Though they did not win the match, they played well and we are proud of them! The team has been using the gym in the Central property for games and practices.
The Central property is not only being used for volleyball; the 8th grade graduation dinner dance will be held there the evening of June 6. We are excited to be able to use the property and are planning on using it for student retreats.
Rita Guild, parish coordinator, spoke at our PTO meeting last week about the Pentecost Novena which begins on May 22. In your envelope this week, you will find the Novena in honor of the Holy Spirit. As you pray this novena, please pray and reflect upon our parish and the new property. If you have any thoughts about possibilities for this property, we invite you to share them with us. You can leave your comments in the collection basket, the mailbox in the vestibule, or drop them off to the Parish Office. You can also send any comments through the home messenger and we would be happy to deliver them for you. Thank you for sharing!
I hope to see you all this Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. for our Spring Show – “Showtunes and Musicals:
A Blast From the Past to the Current Smash!”
A blessed week to you!
Ms. Olivia Carrillo
Important Dates
• 5/17 – 5/21- Book Fair
• 5/20 – 2nd grade field trip
• 5/21 – Spring Show - 7:00 p.m.
• 5/25 – Memorial Day: No School
SLE Superstars of the Week
Congratulations to this week’s winners of the SLE Superstar drawing!
James T – kindergarten; Nicholas A – grade 4; Daniel B – grade 8
Scrip Tip
What do you think of $30,726.73? As of last week, that was what we earned from purchased Scrip and/or signing up your Ralphs/Vons cards and/or your credit cards on eScrip. All of this money is from the scrip merchants and not from your pockets. We are up 73% in sales from last year, and 85% in rebates from Ralphs/escrip. Way to go!!! Now that's what I call a stimulus package.
Good news, you can keep this up through the summer. Scrip sales will continue to happen from 8:30-11:45 a.m. on Sundays in front of church. If everyone does their part, we can easily double this number by this time next year.
New PTO Board Members Elected
Congratulations to the newly elected members of the 2009-2010 PTO Board:
Jim Cahill
Veronica Ferrer
Mark Richardson
William Terrazas
Felix Urena
We sincerely thank the outgoing members of the PTO for their hard work and dedication to Incarnation School:
Joe Chavez, President
Robert Mahan, Fundraising
Jimmy Mueckay, Athletic Director
Maribeth Spensiero, Hospitality
Jim Theiring, Treasurer/Finance
Marketing Survey
Enclosed in this week’s envelope is a brief marketing survey. Beginning in the fall, Incarnation School will have a Consultative School Board (CSB) in place. The CSB is an advisory board to the pastor and principal; the board will focus on long-term strategic planning, marketing and development, resource management, and policy planning. The marketing committee is under the CSB and has begun working on the marketing plan for the school. The purpose of this survey is to help the school’s marketing committee gather information about the school’s image. The survey data will also be used as a part of the WASC process.
We appreciate your input by Tuesday, May 26.