Lord, our God,
Help us to be people of prayer,
turning first to God when we
have decisions to make.
May God’s work be done through us.
We ask this through Jesus’ name.
A Message from the Principal
A brand new school year brings a fresh start for your child and for you as a parent. How can your child make the most of this new school year? One way to focus your child’s energies is to work together to set a goal. Working toward a goal energizes your child and, if the goal is a good one, creates a sense of accomplishment.
Here are a few important points to remember when setting a goal with your child:
-Ask your child to think about one thing he or she would like to accomplish this year—a goal must be something your child believes in and wants. Then write it down!
-A goal must say exactly what the child wants to accomplish.
-Describe the steps that will lead your child to achieve the goal. Using the image of a ladder can help a child think through the steps that will lead to the goal.
-Decide when your child should achieve the goal. Be sensitive to the age of your child when setting time frames—the younger the child, the shorter the timeline. You may want to consider monthly goals rather than one long-term goal for the year.
-Be sure the goal will stretch your child while at the same time being attainable.
-Settle on one or two good goals—keep them manageable.
Be sure the goal really is your child’s goal. Allow your child to experience the effort and satisfaction, and sometimes even the disappointment and frustration, that accompany the process of reaching for a goal. As the year progresses, coach your child in working toward the goal. Your encouragement and counsel will serve as important support and persistence.
Ms. Olivia Carrillo
Important Dates
-September 10 – Deadline to turn in Parent/Student Handbook agreement forms
-September 11 – Back to School Hop/Book Fair
-September 14 – All School Mass 8:30 a.m.; dress uniform required
-September 16 – Back to School Night grades 6-8; child care provided
Box Tops for Education
Turn your everyday grocery purchases into cash for Incarnation School! You can clip 10¢ Box Tops coupons from hundreds of products such as Cheerios®, Betty Crocker®, Juicy Juice®, Ziploc®, Kleenex®, Hefty® and more! Start clipping now and send them to the school office. Visit www.boxtops4education.com for more ways to earn.
Directory Information and Handbook Agreement Forms
Please return the 2010-2011 Directory Information Form to the school office by this Friday, September 10, so an updated School Directory may be prepared for distribution to all school families. Please contact the office staff if you need another copy of the form. Parent/Student Handbook Agreement Forms are also due on Friday, September 10. The handbook can be found online at www.incaschool.org.
Back to School Hop and Book Fair
Mark your calendars for our annual Back to School Hop to be held this Saturday, September 11. Join Incarnation families as we celebrate the beginning of an exciting school year. The book fair will be open Saturday, Sunday after mass, and September 13 – 16. Hope to see you there!
Decathlon Coach Needed
The Academic Junior High Decathlon is scheduled for March 5, 2011. We do not have a head coach for this event, and we must have one if we are to send a team to represent Incarnation. If you are interested in being the head coach for the team, please contact Ms. Carrillo ASAP. The head coach will fulfill their participation hours requirement for the year.
Parent Education Class at GCC
Positive Parenting is a free adult-only class designed for parents seeking instruction in positive parenting methods. Discuss your concerns in a safe, welcoming environment. Topics include family goal setting, discipline, sibling relationships, school issues, and more. Classes are Tuesdays from 9 – 11 a.m. Register online at Glendale.edu or call 818-243-5196.
Swim Team News
Reminder: The Swim Team organizational meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Swim Team is open to all grades K-8 and all levels. Swim Team practices are every Friday from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. at Glassell Park Pool. First swim meet is September 26.
From the Business Office
Statements for outstanding balances are included in today’s Home Messenger. Please review your statement and contact Mrs. Fenton if you have any questions. Reminder: ASP statements are mailed through the Home Messenger at the end of each month.
Welcome back!! Scrip sales are here and ready to go. The Scrip Team is very excited for this year being bigger and better than ever. In the home messenger today, you will find new order forms, eScrip renewal/sign-up information, and Ralphs renewal/sign-up information. YOU MUST renew eScrip and Ralphs in order to continue to get contributions. You can also sign up friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors to help with your contributions. If you do sign up others, please stop by the morning scrip table to give us their names so that we know who to put the contributions towards. As always, we are here to help and are happy to answer any questions or give you ideas how to reach your $200 profit goal.