A Message from the Principal
I am happy to announce that Tim and Sandy Chan have graciously volunteered to be the head coaches for the Junior High Academic Decathlon, and Incarnation School will be able to send a team to compete again this year! Sixth, seventh, and eighth graders interested in obtaining information about joining the team are invited to come to an information session in the math room on Thursday, October 7 at lunch time.
I would also like to thank Monsignor Frilot, Fr. Pat Thompson, Mrs. Lomasto, and the third grade class for leading the Blessing of the Animals. It was a pleasure to welcome and bless our animal friends in celebration of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
Ms. Olivia Carrillo
Important Dates
• October 8 – Trimester 1 Progress Reports
• October 10 – Grade 7 school sponsored mass
• October 12 – All School Mass 8:30 a.m.
Uniform Guidelines Reminder
Please note the following information with regard to the uniform policy (beginning pg. 42). According to the Parent-Student Handbook, slip-on shoes are not permitted for safety reasons. Shoes must have laces or Velcro. Laces may only be black and white. Shoes must be white, black, gray, navy blue, or any combination of these colors. Denim blue shoes or shoes that are any other shade of blue may not be worn. Socks must be white or navy blue and must be visible 1” above the ankle. Athletic/no-show socks may not be worn if they are not visible 1” above the ankle. Students will receive uniform violation notices if the guidelines are not followed; three notices will result in detention. We thank you for your cooperation in following the uniform guidelines.
Students involved in after school sports should come to school dressed in regular uniform. Game uniforms can be brought to school separately, and students can change into game attire after school.
Please see the excerpt from Parent-Student Handbook, pg. 11 regarding lunches:
Parents are discouraged from regularly dropping off lunches for their children. If it is necessary to do so because of a forgotten lunch, parents are requested not to bring lunches from fast food restaurants. Please write the student’s name and grade on the lunch and bring it to the front office. Parents are not permitted to drop off lunches in the classrooms.
Hot lunch orders are provided bi-weekly in the Home Messenger. Otherwise parents are asked to pack lunches from home. Thank you for your cooperation.
8th Grade Tuition Awards
The Catholic Education Foundation 8th Grade Award applications are now available in the business office. All 8th graders in need of financial assistance (no set income guidelines) who will be attending a participating Catholic high school may apply. Participating schools include Bellarmine-Jefferson, Bishop Alemany, Cathedral, and Holy Family. Applications must be postmarked no later than October 31, 2010 to be considered. See Mrs. Fenton if interested.
From the Business Office
Enclosed in today’s Home Messenger are the first After School Program (ASP), Morning Care and Homework Club invoices. If you signed up for regular ASP the monthly fees are: 1 child-$135; 2 children-$160; 3 children-$185. The ASP and Homework Club hourly rate is $5.00, the Morning Care rate is $1 per day. Please note: you can combine and pay all of your invoices on one check.
The $200 mandatory SCRIP Participation donation invoices will be included in next week’s Home Messenger to coincide with the 1st SCRIP profit statement. The SCRIP invoices are due by October 20. Please call Mrs. Fenton if you have any questions.
Family Participation Hours
Reminder: participation hours performed from June 1, 2010 to October 22, 2010 must be submitted to the school office by Friday, October 30, 2010. Please see flyer for more information.
Did you know that Super A Foods is a contributor through eScrip? I know I didn't. If you are a Super A Foods shopper and have your credit card signed up through eScrip, you could be earning profits every time you shop by using that credit card there. I just read that St. Dominic's earned over $1,500.00.
Did you know that Costco is already putting their Christmas items out? There are only 50 more Scrip shopping days left before Christmas. Avoid the rush, plan ahead, and start buying now.
Did you know that you can now purchase a "gift certificate" to present to your teachers/staff in any denomination? They can take the certificate you give them and shop at the scrip table for something they want, taking all the guess work out.
Did you know that Ralphs just sent us a check for $1,553.75? What wonderful news!!! Again, remember to sign up your friends, family, and neighbors and to update your account if you've not done it since September 1st (otherwise, you're not contributing).
Did you know that this was all brought to you by the wonderful and fabulous Scrip Team who are all working very hard to make this our best year yet. Keep up the good work team!