Eternal God,
You sent your Son to save all people.
Help us to spread his light.
A Message from the Principal
Last week, I sent an email to school families announcing that Fr. Larry, the teachers, and I had decided that in consideration of our school’s needs, we would not be adding any additional days to the 2011-2012 school year. However, the long-term vision of the Department of Catholic Schools (DCS) remains for all elementary schools to adopt the 200 day calendar in 2012-2013. Dr. Kevin Baxter, Superintendent of Elementary Schools, will be at Incarnation next Monday, February 14th from 7-8 p.m. to answer parent questions and address concerns about the extended calendar. This is also open to other families in the deanery. ASP will be available, and I encourage at least one parent from each Incarnation family to attend. Please note that while the 200 day calendar is the DCS’s goal and vision for all schools including Incarnation, a calendar has not been determined for 2012-2013.
Ms. Olivia Carrillo
Important Dates
• February 13 – School Sponsored Mass – Gr. 4
• February 14 – Valentine’s Day Parties 2:15 p.m.
• February 14 – Dr. Baxter Presentation – 7-8 p.m.
• February 21 – No School – Presidents’ Day
• February 22 – 25 – Science Fair
• February 26 – Father Daughter Dance 6-9 p.m
2011-2012 Re-Registration
The re-registration period for the 2011-2012 school will continue through March 4th.
Please note that all accounts must be current in order to re-register for next year.
Catholic Education Foundation Tuition Awards
The Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) offers tuition assistance to elementary school students and their families each year. In previous years, the CEF has posted income guidelines to determine eligibility for assistance. This year, the CEF is not posting income guidelines and is encouraging any family in need of assistance to apply. If you would like to obtain a CEF application, please contact Mrs. Fenton in the business office. All applications and supporting documents must be received by the school no later than Monday, March 21, 2010 for processing.
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