Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Family Messenger March 29, 2011

God of Mercy,
How often you have forgiven us!
Help us to be more forgiving of others.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

A Message from the Principal

Thank you to all who supported the auction free dress day last Friday. It was a great success! As you know, the money earned at this year’s auction will be allocated to our air conditioning fund. Prior to 2007, plans for the electrical upgrade and air conditioning project were put in motion and at that time it was estimated that each project would cost approximately $300,000 for a total of approximately $600,000.

With air conditioning there are several options to consider. It is estimated that the cost of air conditioning will cost between $13,000 - $20,000 per classroom (total of 14 classrooms, not including ASP room). We currently have $90,000 set aside for air conditioning to begin phasing units in. The more we money we make at the auction, the more we can do. Keep selling raffle tickets and soliciting donations!

This week I am serving on a WASC Accreditation Committee. I will be out of the office through Thursday, March 31.

Ms. Olivia Carrillo

Important Dates

  • April 10 – 1st Grade School Sponsored Mass 9:00 a.m.
  • April 12 – All School Mass 8:30 a.m.
  • April 15 – Progress Reports; 4th Grade Bake Sale
  • April 17 – Palm Sunday
  • April 21 – Holy Thursday – Noon Dismissal
  • April 22 – Good Friday – No School
  • April 25 – April 29 – Easter Vacation

Talent Show

Our annual talent show last Friday was a great success! Thank you to all students who shared performances with us. We also thank all of our parent volunteers for making this show possible: Marcellina DeSousa, Vanessa Hindman, Ligia LeFranc, Jonson Mallari, Yvonne Mallari, Laura Medina Patty Olona, Gail Roque, Cathleen Terrazas, Patricia Tiu, and although not a school parent, Mrs. Rodriguez with the 8th grade class!

LACOE Art Contest

The Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) selected two Incarnation School students as winners of their art annual contest. Congratulations to Mariam E (gr. 3) and Michelle G (gr.8)! The students attended a LACOE Board Recognition Event, and their art work will be permanently displayed in the Office of Education.


The deadline to order the 2010-2011 yearbook and to place an ad/dedication page in the yearbook is tomorrow, March 30th!! Please note that these are two separate forms.