Holy God,
You invite us into the joy of friendship
with your Son, Jesus Christ.
May we never be too busy or too distracted
to spend time with him in prayer, in the study of God’s word,
and in worship.
A Message from the Principal
October is “Walktober” and tomorrow Incarnation will participate in International Walk to School Day. Join us on our “walking school busses” departing at 7:15 a.m. from two locations (corner of Highland & Kenneth and corner of Rossmoyne & Dryden), or just walk from your home! Walking is a fun and healthy way to spend time with your children while teaching them skills that can serve them well throughout life. The walk to school is a great time to use these safety tips. Children learn through experience. Walking with parents or another caregiver is an important way for children to practice crossing real streets and picking safe places to walk. There is no magic age when children are old enough to walk without an adult. But, as a parent, you should decide when your child has the skills and experience to deal with traffic safely without you. As you walk with your child, remember these safety tips:
Look for traffic at every driveway and intersection.
Be aware of drivers in parked cars that may be getting ready to move.
Obey all traffic signs and signals.
Cross the street safely:
1. Stop at the curb or edge of the street.
2. Look left, right, left, and behind you and in front of you for traffic.
3. Wait until no traffic is coming and begin crossing.
4. Keep looking for traffic until you have finished crossing.
5. Walk, don’t run across the street.
The side gate adjacent to the church parking lot will be open for all walkers.
Ms. Olivia Carrillo
Important Dates
October 5 – International Walk to School Day
October 7 – Progress Reports go home
October 17 – Anti-Bullying Assembly
October 18 – All School Mass
October 20 – High School Night
October 23 – Mother-Son Picnic
Please note that Monday, October 31 is a teacher in-service day and classes will not be in session. While we will have a regular school day without parties, students may come to school in costume on Friday, October 28 provided that the costume is appropriate and in good taste for a Catholic school. Costumes must fit properly (younger students should be able to use the restroom on their own with costumes); no excessively scary costumes, no gore, no fake weapons; students’ faces must be visible at all times.
Virtus Training
A Virtus RECERTIFICATION session is scheduled for October 27 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Incarnation Community Center basement. Please call the parish office to sign up (818-242-2579). Virtus certification is valid for four years.
A Volleyball Team News
The Incarnation Eagles A Volleyball Team competed in two tournaments over the past few week. One tournament was held at American Martyrs School where they were finalists. Last Saturday, the girls won 5th place in their tournament and made it to quarter finals. Way to go Eagles! We are proud of you!
From the Business Office
September ASP and AM Care invoices for students attending ASP on a monthly basis were e-mailed yesterday; hourly ASP and Homework Club invoices will be e-mailed tomorrow. Note: you do not need to print the invoice; save ink/paper and write the invoice number on the check.
As presented at the PTO Meeting, instructions for accessing SCRIP Online as well as a SCRIP Envelope are attached in today’s Home Messenger. Please read carefully as there is a lot of material covered.