Friday, June 15, 2012

Family Messenger, June 12, 2012

June 12, 2012

Holy God,
May we carry the love we’ve experienced this year
out into the world this summer and always.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

A Message from the Principal
As Mrs. Girskis prepares for her new role as Principal of Incarnation School, we are happy to announce some other new staffing arrangements.

Miss Lauren Muscarella, our current 4th grade teacher, will be teaching 1st grade in the fall. Her experiences include many years as a preschool director/teacher in Catholic schools. She has also directed the summer camp at our own preschool, so she is quite familiar with young students.

Mr. Felipe Huizar, our 4th grade assistant for the past four years, will be teaching 4th grade. He knows Incarnation School, the students, and the 4th grade curriculum well. We are happy that he will continue to be a part of our community in this new capacity.

Ms. Jennifer Rickert, our former 4th grade teacher, will return to Incarnation as the preschool – 8th grade music teacher. We are pleased to welcome her back on staff!

Mrs. Karen Rueff, our current 1st grade aide, will be joining Ms. Marriott as the new kindergarten aide. Mrs. Rueff has many years of experience working with kindergarten students.

Mrs. Ingrid Suarez, our current 3rd grade aide, has just completed her certificate in Early Childhood Education and will be joining Miss Muscarella in first grade.

Mrs. Cristina Marrone will continue to assist 5th grade class, but will also assist Mrs. Lomasto in 3rd grade and Mr. Huizar in 4th grade.

This year, we say goodbye to Miss Melanie Klein. Miss Klein has been at Incarnation since 2009 and has worked with 5th grade and kindergarten. She is moving on to complete her student teaching requirement for her teaching credential. We wish her all the best as she continues her professional growth! We will miss you!

We also say farewell to our music teachers, Mr. Chris Yraola and Mr. Paul Angers. We wish them well at their new schools!

As we come to the end of the school year, I would like to thank you for choosing Incarnation and giving us the opportunity to work with you in educating your children. As this is the last newsletter I write for Incarnation School, I would like to thank you for the many well-wishes I have received as I prepare for my next venture. Your support over the years is much appreciated. I will miss Incarnation and its wonderful students and staff and carry very special memories of this community with me.
May God bless Incarnation School always!

Ms. Olivia Carrillo

Important Dates
·       June 13 – 1st grade field trip
·       June 13 – Move-Up Day incoming grades 6-8
·       June 14 – Kindergarten last day
·       June 15– Last Day of School – Awards Assembly 10:30 a.m.; noon dismissal; ASP not available

Auction 2012 Report
As of 6/7/12, the Mardi Gras Festival net income is $40,549.49.
Thank you for your support of this fundraiser!

Dennis Uniform Early Bird Savings
June 10 – July 10: Enjoy 10% savings on all purchases and orders (excludes marked down items).

Final Awards Assembly
Please join us for our last awards assembly for grades 1 – 8 on Friday, June 15 at 10:30 a.m. in the auditorium.

Last Day Dismissal
Please note that students will dismiss at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, June 15.
ASP will not be available. The school office will close at 12:30 p.m.

Summer Office Hours
Monday, June 13 – Thursday, June 21      8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. *
Friday, June 22                                         8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
June 23 – July 31                                      School office closed
August 1 – August 28                                8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.*
*closed for lunch between 12:00 – 12:30

From the Business Office
The June statements will be e-mailed tomorrow, June 13—please review and submit payment as soon as possible.  Please note:  report cards will be withheld for students with outstanding balances.

Notification of SCRIP refunds for families who reached the $250 minimum profit contribution were e-mailed Friday, June 8.  Please respond no later than Wednesday, June 13—refund checks will be mailed on Thursday, June 14.

We will be selling SCRIP after mass during the summer.  Please consider joining the SCRIP team—we still need more volunteers to cover Sunday sales.  It’s a quick way of earning your 40 participation hours, only one Sunday per month!  Please contact Mrs. Fenton if you are interested.

Do I remember that Jesus comes to me every time at Mass and that I can ask him for anything I need?

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