Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Family Messenger, October 14, 2014

October 14, 2014

Father of Life,
We thank you for the expectant mother who carries this growing hope in her life and into our world. Bless her and the living promise of this child and help her to manage the mix of joys, fears and anxieties she may have about the time ahead.
As she watches her body change, may she grow in your own loving kindness and compassion. Let her be inspired by Mary and Joseph who model a loving family life and give her the courage to guide her children in a faith-filled life.
Be with her in her gladness these days and deepen her faith, so that labor might be a time of strength and prayer. Guard the health of her baby and give her the peace of mind that may so often seem elusive in this time.
With your grace, she will be ready for the end of this expectant time and ready to take on the joys and challenges of parenthood.

A Message from the Acting Principal
The prayer this week is a Prayer for Expectant Mothers. Please keep Mrs. Kassakhian in your prayers. She will be having her baby on Wednesday if he doesn’t come before then. As soon as I get word that Baby K has arrived, I will let everyone know through the SchoolSpeak announcements.

Progress reports were published on Friday. If for some reason you were not able to view your child’s progress report through SchoolSpeak, please contact Mrs. Rodela in the office and let her know.

The We Juana Cure t-shirts have arrived! The students can wear these shirts for P.E.
On Monday October 20th, all students are welcome to wear the t-shirt to school.

I would like to welcome Ms. Contreras who is subbing in the Computer Lab while I am in the office.


Susan Theiring

Important Dates
·       October 14 -        “A” Volleyball home game vs. St. Dominic at the gym, 3:45 p.m.
·       October 15 -        6th/7th grade field trip to CA Science Center
·       October 16 –       High School Night at St. Bede the Venerable, 7 p.m.

·       October 17 -        Deadline to view and sign progress reports on SchoolSpeak.
Kindergarten progress reports due back to school
Wear your We Juana Cure shirts to school!
Last day to purchase Clippers tickets for 8th grade fundraiser
CPK fundraiser to support the 8th grade class, all day. Fliers will be in next
week’s home messenger and on SchoolSpeak
·       October 20 -        Wear your We Juana Cure shirts to school!
·       October 21 -        5th grade field trip to the Ronald Reagan Library
A” Volleyball home game vs. St. Bede at the gym, 3:45 p.m.
·       October 22 -        “A” Football game vs. St. Bede at Brand Park
                                    1st grade field trip to the Los Angeles Zoo
·       October 24 -        No School – WASC preparation day

8th Grade Clippers Fundraiser
The 8th grade is selling tickets for LA Clippers VS. Sacramento Kings game at 12:30 p.m.. on Sunday, November 2ND at the Staples Center. Tickets are $22.00 (includes pre-game activity from 10:15 a.m.-11:00 a.m.). All proceeds will benefit our 8th grade graduating class! See the flier in this week’s home messenger to purchase tickets or contact Mrs. Rufus at rrufus@incaschool.org. The deadline to purchase tickets is October 17.

Library News – Scholastic Book Fair 
Thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers, parents and students who helped to make the Fall Scholastic Book Fair a tremendous success!  Our sales earned for the library $1181.03 in CASH.  This money will be used to purchase three new computer towers for the library, with some funds leftover to purchase library bound books.  In addition, our profits earned $407.14 in Scholastic books for the teachers and the library.  New computers and new books is a nice return for all of the effort to put on a book fair.  Thanks again to everyone who helped, both at the fair and in the library during the busy book fair week!

Fundraiser for Mrs. Salizar
Parents and students,

On behalf of Mrs. Salazar, I would like to thank you for all your generous and unending, support.  Through the Booster.com/wejuanacure campaign we sold 300 shirts and raised over $4,200 dollars in sales and donations.

Mrs. Salazar has been truly humbled by your outpouring of love and appreciates everyone’s efforts.
The school office has also been collecting donations for Mrs. Salazar which don’t require a t-shirt purchase and there is no expiration date on those fundraising efforts.
Thank you to those of you supplying meals for the Salazar family these past two months. 
Opportunities are plentiful so please don’t hesitate to ask.

Parents have also voiced interest on extending the shirt campaign since they may have not been able to purchase the first time around.
This subsequent campaign will be shorter so that t-shirts can be completed a.s.a.p. more information to follow soon.

Thank you,
Mr. Robert Sanchez

Our annual Jog-a-thon is just around the corner! Please see SchoolSpeak for more information and a sponsorship letter you can give to local business to help raise funds!

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