Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Family Messenger March 16, 2010

Loving and merciful God,
You see what we need, yet
in your love you give us
the freedom to choose your grace.
May we learn to receive your love with
joy and gratitude.

A Message from the Principal

On Friday, our teachers and the Incarnation Religious Education staff will attend the annual Religious Education Congress in Anaheim. The Religious Education Congress offers workshops to those in catechetical and related ministries. Please pray for our teachers and catechists as they renew their commitment to the ministry of education.

Have a blessed week.

Ms. Olivia Carrillo

Important Dates

• 3/19 – Religious Education Congress – No School/No ASP
• 3/22 – Trimester 2 Awards Assembly – 8:00 a.m.
• 3/24 – All School Mass
• 3/26 – Talent Show
• 3/28 – Palm Sunday

Spaghetti Dinner

Thank you to all who attended our Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday. We raised $1,084 with this event. We especially thank Leni and Peter Algiers for organizing the event and all parents (and students!) who helped set-up, cook, serve, and clean. Thank you for your support of Incarnation School!

Holy Childhood Association

Please keep collecting money for Senegal in your HCA boxes.
Donations are due next Thursday, March 18.

Auction Reminder
RSVPs for our annual auction are due this week. Please see flyer enclosed.

St. Patrick’s Day
Students may wear free dress with green tomorrow. Greens should be true greens – think shamrocks! Shirts may have St. Patrick’s Day themes. Other writing, pictures, or logos must be school appropriate. Caps, hats, beanies, etc. are not permitted. Thank you for your cooperation.

Box Tops for Education
We are still collecting Box Tops!
Please send in your clippings to help earn money for the school.

From the Business Office
The monthly statements are enclosed with today’s Home Messenger. Please contact Mrs. Fenton if you have any questions.