Help us to be people of prayer,
turning first to God when we
have decisions to make.
May God’s work be done through us.
We ask this through Jesus’ name.
A Message from the Principal
As we begin our second week of school, this is a great time to for you to help your child succeed this school year. As your child’s first and most important teacher, you pay an important role in supporting your child’s learning at school. The beginning of a school year is a great time to review rules together. Discuss school and classroom rules, and use this opportunity to talk about home rules too!
I am eager to be involved in your child’s learning this year!
Ms. Olivia Carrillo
Important Dates
- September 13 – 17 – Book Fair
- September 13 – All School Mass 8:30 a.m.; dress uniform required
- September 15– Back to School Night grades preschool through 5; child care provided
- September 17 – Back to School Hop/Book Fair
Welcome Preschool and Kindergarten!
This week our preschoolers and kindergarteners begin classes. We are happy to welcome their smiling faces to our school. Kindergarten will dismiss at noon all this week and preschoolers will dismiss at noon for the next two weeks. Reminder for kindergarten parents – students can be picked up at the black gate adjacent to the church parking lot.
From the Business Office
Late Notices will be e-mailed today. Please contact Mrs. Fenton if you have any questions.
Decathlon Coach Needed
The Academic Junior High Decathlon is scheduled for March 10, 2012. We do not have a head coach for this event, and we must have one if we are to send a team to represent Incarnation. If you are interested in being the head coach for the team, please contact Ms. Carrillo ASAP. The head coach will fulfill the participation hour’s requirement for the year.
Directory Information
We are currently preparing an updated School Directory for distribution in the next few weeks. If you haven't already done so, please complete the pink "2011-2012 Directory Information" form (one per family) and return it to the School Office by this Friday, September 9. Additional forms are available in the School Office. Thank you!
Back to School Hop and Book Fair
Mark your calendars for our annual Back to School Hop to be held Saturday, September 17. Join Incarnation families as we celebrate the beginning of an exciting school year. The book fair will also be open that day. Hope to see you there!
Box Tops for Education
Turn your everyday grocery purchases into cash for Incarnation School! You can clip 10¢ Box Tops coupons from hundreds of products such as Cheerios®, Betty Crocker®, Juicy Juice®, Ziploc®, Kleenex®, Hefty® and more! Start clipping now and send them to the school office. Visit HYPERLINK "" for more ways to earn.
P.E. Uniforms
We have made the mesh P.E. shorts available for ALL students. If your items are backordered, students may wear their regular uniform shorts or blue/black athletic shorts while you are waiting for your order to arrive.
Free Dress Day
Please help support Inca athletics! We will be having a free dress day this Friday, September 9 with a $1 donation. Free dress must follow the handbook guidelines. Anyone inappropriately dressed will be sent home and will lose the privilege of free dress the next time. If Friday is your child’s mass day, free dress may be worn if it is mass appropriate.
Thank you for your support during the summer. We sold more than ever before! This month we welcome four new vendors: (8%), Tony Roma’s Restaurant (12%), Bass Pro Shops (9%), and Burlington Coat Factory (8%). These are all Special Order SCRIP. In addition, the following vendors have promotions during the month of September: LLBean additional 2%—9/3/11 to 9/30/11 and Best Buy additional 1% bonus—9/3/11 to 9/16/11.
Question of the Week
What is one thing you would do for someone whom you loved?