Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Family Messenger May 29, 2012

Holy God,
We belong to you. 
May the Holy Spirit
make us more like you:
more loving, patient,
forgiving, and joyful. 
Special Announcement from Msgr. Zak

New Principal for Incarnation School

I am pleased to announce that after a thorough review process of prospective candidates for Principal of Incarnation School, and following interviews with those applicants deemed most suitable for the position, Mrs. Diana Girskis has been selected as our new Principal.  Having taught at Incarnation School for the past eleven years, and having served as Vice-Principal for the last four years, Mrs. Girskis needs no introduction.  Apart from her professional qualifications, which include a Master of Arts degree in Elementary Education, a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from the State of California and more than twenty years of experience in education, Mrs. Girskis’ intimate knowledge of our school will help her as she works with teachers, students and parents to further the Incarnation tradition of faith formation and academic excellence in an atmosphere of cooperation, respect and discipline.

I am most grateful to the Search Committee that provided invaluable assistance in the selection process, and I look forward to working with Mrs. Girskis next year as she takes on her new role in our school.  Please join me in welcoming our new principal, and let us all pledge our mutual support to work together for the good of our children, our school and our community!

Important Dates
May 30 – Sports Banquet
May 31 – Library closes; Last day of music class
June 1 – Walk to School Day
June 2 – Swim Team Car Wash
June 7 – Baccalaureate Mass (last all-school Mass) 10:00 a.m.
June 7 – Preschool Culmination
June 8 – 8th Grade Dinner/Dance
June 10 – 8th Grade Graduation
June 11 – Accelerated Reader Awards Assembly 8:00 a.m.
June 12 – Heal the Bay Presentation 1:30 p.m.
June 14 – Kindergarten Last Day
June 15 – Last Day of School – Noon Dismissal – No ASP
2012-2013 Student Council
Congratulations to our newly elected Student Council!

Matteo M
Vice President
Ashley G
Nicolas M
Liam M
Commissioner of Ecology and Safety 
Francesca L
Commissioner of Boys Athletics
Jake G
Commissioner of Spirit
Nikki S
Commissioner of Health and Nutrition
Commissioner of Religious Affairs
Lauren S
Commissioner of Girls Athletics
Catalina A
Commissioner of Publicity
Olivia S
Family Participation Hours Due May 31st!
Any hours not completed by May 31st will be billed at $25.00 per hour. It is each parent’s responsibility to submit service hours slips. Records can only be as accurate as they are received. If you have completed your 40 hours by May 31, but failed to submit your yellow slips timely, you will be billed $25.00 per hour. All families who have agreed to participate in this program are required to submit their yellow slips. There are no exceptions to this rule. If you have any question please email Mrs. Rodela at grodela@incaschool.org

Beginning today AMC Theatres $25 gift cards (special order) will increase from 7% to 8%.  In addition, Home Depot will increase from 4% to 5% beginning May 26 through June 8 (denominations: on hand-$25, special orders-$100, $500 and $1,000).



What gifts has the Holy Spirit brought into my life?